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  • Writer's pictureRumer Morrison

The Illusion

Something I've hear countless times from friends and family is that they wish I didn't have to go through this. It's a pretty normal reaction, to wish away bad circumstances for a loved one. But what does this illusion that it could be any other way really do for anyone? That's all it is, an illusion. We're constantly battling tough circumstances with wishes and dreams of "what if things were different?". It's easy to comfort ourselves with fantasies about better outcomes. The harsh truth is that you'll never be free if you're stuck in this frame of thinking as a victim. Unfortunately, it's very easy to nurture yourself by playing the role of a victim in your own narrative. Suffering as a result of hapless events feeds this role of the victim. Luckily, this is a choice. Although not an easy one, it's up to us to decide whether we suffer as a result of letting our emotions run us, or thrive by understanding and controlling our emotions. Once you give up the narrative you've been playing and decide that you don't have to suffer, you'll be free. You'll be able to understand that things will always happen how they're meant to. More importantly, comes the ability to reflect. We need to grasp the fact that things really shouldn't be any other way, even if they could. One of my favorite quotes to refer back to comes from The Law of One. It proposes, "Consider, if you will, the path your life-experience complex has taken. Consider the coincidences and odd circumstances by which one thing flowed to the next. Consider this well. Each entity will receive the opportunity that each needs". The stream of our life events flow effortlessly. I've been shown this time and time again. When examining my life, every single event makes sense. Each experience served a purpose for my being to expand, no matter how big or small. Each event taught me something that I otherwise would have never learned. The most imperative thing that you can do is reflect. Reflect on these events and circumstances, as well as how you've contributed to them. See them for the purpose they serve, and look at how you've been reacting to them. Once you're able to see what good can come from these experiences, you can understand that there really couldn't be any other outcome.

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