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  • Writer's pictureRumer Morrison

Having it All Figured Out

I've visited this topic in my post titled Nobody Cares and It's Amazing but just to refresh your memory I basically put a lot of pressure on myself to have it all figured out by the time I graduated high school. I thought that I had to pick a sensible career that would last for the duration of my life. Which is absolutely absurd, especially for someone as indecisive as I am. All of my friends seemed to have a path that they were sure they wanted to pursue while I was completely lost. I constantly stressed about this decision, failing to realize that this decision wasn't my end-all-be-all. You don't hit 18 and suddenly have to have your entire life mapped out. I have changed direction so many times in just the past year and only recently have become okay with not knowing what I want. That's the beauty of it. We're constantly growing so why are we expecting ourselves to stick to one thing for our entire lives? The whole idea of being an "adult" is illogical. We're all ever evolving like children. It doesn't matter what age you are. We gather different life experiences along the way and learn something new about ourselves all the time. What you want now is probably not going to align with your being in 5 years from now, hell maybe even next week if you're anything like me. I'm constantly learning new things about myself because I've finally allowed myself to explore different options. I'm open to the idea that there's still a lot about myself that I don't know. And I certainly don't have any of this figured out right now. And that's okay. I know that I pull an annoying amount of quotes from the Tao Te Ching but I'm going to throw in another one anyway. It states "Allow yourself to yield, and you can stay centered. Allow yourself to bend, and you'll stay straight...". When we let go of the pressure derived from these restricting mindsets and become flexible, we can actually begin to make progress toward discovering what we really want. Sure, that may take more time but at 18 what's the rush? You don't have to follow the traditional path for it to be right for you. So, this is another reminder to be gentle with yourself and to assure anyone who's in the position that I was that you don't have to have it all figured out. It'll come to you in divine timing.

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